You can now specify per-monitor directory lists if you want.
There are blending and resizing options available too, see the comments.
I've added a to make a .exe so that the dos window doesn't pop-up.
#!C:/python25/python.exe # Code to rotate or set wallpaper under windows # Copyright (C) Andrew K. Milton 2007 - 2010 # Released under a 2-clause BSD License # See: # Multi monitor detection based on # This will handle any configuration of an arbitrary number of monitors, # including offset boundaries. import os import sys import time import random from optparse import OptionParser from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser import ctypes from ctypes import windll from win32con import * import win32gui import win32api import win32con from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageChops, ImageOps, ImageFilter # I recommend you create a pywallpaper.conf file that looks something # like this to store the directories in rather than specifying -d # multiple times on the command line. # # NB you can specify paths per monitor. Any monitor number without its # own paths will get the global paths. Monitors start at 0 which is always # the primary monitor. # # Some options don't play nicely together. """ [global] Blending = True BlendRatio = 0.40 Crop = False Fill = True Gradient = False PreRotate = True [directories] paths = C:\Documents and Settings\akm\My Documents\My Pictures\gb C:\Documents and Settings\akm\My Documents\My Pictures\Ralph [monitor_0] paths = C:\Documents and Settings\akm\My Documents\My Pictures\Wide Screen [monitor_1] paths = C:\Documents and Settings\akm\My Documents\My Pictures\Landscapes """ # If you don't like the little dos window that pops you can use the # following as to create a .exe that won't display the window, # makes it a little easier to use as a startup item too. """ from distutils.core import setup import py2exe options = { "bundle_files": 2, "ascii": 1, # to make a smaller executable, don't include the encodings "compressed": 1, # compress the library archive "excludes": ['w9xpopen.exe',] } setup( windows = [''], options = {'py2exe': options}, ) """ class RECT(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('left', ctypes.c_long), ('top', ctypes.c_long), ('right', ctypes.c_long), ('bottom', ctypes.c_long) ] def dump(self): f = (self.left,, self.right, self.bottom) return [int(i) for i in f] class MONITORINFO(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('cbSize', ctypes.c_ulong), ('rcMonitor', RECT), ('rcWork', RECT), ('dwFlags', ctypes.c_ulong) ] class Monitor(object): def __init__(self, monitor, physical, working, flags): self.monitor = monitor self.physical = physical self.working = working self.size = self.getSize(*self.physical) self.width, self.height = self.size self.left,, self.right, self.bottom = self.physical self._left, self._top, self._right, self._bottom = self.physical self.isPrimary = (flags != 0) self.cTop = if self.cTop < 0: self.cTop = 20000 + self.cTop self.cLeft = self.left if self.cLeft < 0: self.cLeft = 20000 + self.cLeft self.wLeft = int(self.left) self.wTop = int( self.needsSplit = ( (self.left < 0 and self.right > 0) or ( < 0 and self.bottom > 0) ) if self.needsSplit: self.needVSplit = < 0 and self.bottom > 0 self.needHSplit = self.left < 0 and self.right > 0 def addWallpaper(self, bgImage, wallpaper): if not self.needsSplit: bgImage.paste(wallpaper, (self.wLeft, self.wTop)) return if self.needVSplit: height = bottom = wallpaper.crop((0, 0, self.width, height)) bottom.load() top = wallpaper.crop((0, height, self.width, self.height)) top.load() bgImage.paste(top, (self.wLeft, 0)) bgImage.paste(bottom, (self.wLeft, bgImage.size[1] - height)) else: width = -self.left right = wallpaper.crop((0, 0, width, self.height)) right.load() left = wallpaper.crop((width, 0, self.width, self.height)) left.load() bgImage.paste(left, (0, self.wTop)) bgImage.paste(right, (bgImage.size[0] - width, self.wTop)) def getSize(self, left, top, right, bottom): return [abs(right - left), abs(bottom - top)] def __repr__(self): return 'extent: ' + str(self.physical) + ' :: size: ' + str(self.size) + ' :: primary: ' + str(self.isPrimary) + ' :: needsSplit ' + str(self.needsSplit) + ':: ' + hex(self.monitor) def __cmp__(self, other): if not cmp(self.cTop, other.cTop): return cmp(self.cLeft, other.cLeft) return cmp(, class Desktop(object): def __init__(self): self.setMonitorExtents() # Merge with the desktop background colour # Handy to tint your background to your theme. self.Blending = True # Amount of picture to bg colour ratio # This works well for black... self.BlendRatio = 0.40 # Render a gradient under the image.. # I'm not overly happy with the results. self.Gradient = False # Crop black/white borders before zooming # This doesn't work well with Fill.. self.Crop = False # Don't just maxpect the image... blow it up so there's no bg colour # showing so this will crop parts. self.Fill = True # If the aspect ratio is "wrong" for the monitor, rotate it for a # better fit first. So portraits rotate for landscape monitors. # With per-monitor dirs you can sort your pictures based on aspect # ratio if you want. self.PreRotate = True self.createEmptyWallpaper() def createEmptyWallpaper(self): c = (0, 0, 0) if self.Blending: # Alpha blend the image with the current desktop colour # Or black if something goes wrong with getting the desktop colour try: dc = windll.user32.GetSysColor(1) c = ((dc & 0xFF ), (dc & 0xFF00) >> 8, (dc & 0xFF0000) >> 16) except: pass self.bgColour = c bgImage ='RGB', self.wSize, c) if self.Gradient: r, g, b = c width, height = bgImage.size fh = float(height) if (r + g + b) / 3 < 64: r1, g1, b1 = (128, 128, 128) else: r1, g1, b1 = c r, g, b = (64, 64, 64) rd = r1 - r gd = g1 - g bd = b1 - b rs = float(rd) / fh gs = float(gd) / fh bs = float(bd) / fh draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bgImage) for h in range(0, height): draw.line((0, h, width, h), fill = (int(r1), int(g1), int(b1))) r1 -= rs b1 -= bs g1 -= gs self.bgImage = bgImage def findMonitors(self): retval = [] CBFUNC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.POINTER(RECT), ctypes.c_double) def cb(hMonitor, hdcMonitor, lprcMonitor, dwData): r = lprcMonitor.contents data = [hMonitor] data.append(r.dump()) retval.append(data) return 1 cbfunc = CBFUNC(cb) temp = windll.user32.EnumDisplayMonitors(0, 0, cbfunc, 0) return retval def calcWallSize(self): # Also sets the relative offsets for building the wallpaper... ms = self.monitors primaryMonitor = [m for m in ms if m.isPrimary][0] leftMonitors = [m for m in ms if m.left < 0] rightMonitors = [m for m in ms if m.left >= primaryMonitor.right] topMonitors = [m for m in ms if < 0] bottomMonitors = [m for m in ms if >= primaryMonitor.bottom] leftMonitors.sort() rightMonitors.sort() topMonitors.sort() bottomMonitors.sort() hMonitors = [primaryMonitor,] + rightMonitors + leftMonitors vMonitors = [primaryMonitor,] + bottomMonitors + topMonitors width = max([m.right for m in ms]) height = max([m.bottom for m in ms]) extraWidth = -min([m.left for m in ms]) extraHeight = -min([ for m in ms]) width += extraWidth height += extraHeight hOff = width redo = [] for m in leftMonitors: m.wLeft = width + m.left if m in bottomMonitors: continue m.right = width for m in topMonitors: m.wTop = height + if m in rightMonitors: continue m.bottom = height return (width, height) def getMonitors(self): retval = [] for hMonitor, extents in self.findMonitors(): # data = [hMonitor] mi = MONITORINFO() mi.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(MONITORINFO) mi.rcMonitor = RECT() mi.rcWork = RECT() res = windll.user32.GetMonitorInfoA(hMonitor, ctypes.byref(mi)) data = Monitor(hMonitor, mi.rcMonitor.dump(), mi.rcWork.dump(), mi.dwFlags) retval.append(data) return retval def setMonitorExtents(self): self.monitors = self.getMonitors() self.wSize = self.calcWallSize() def getDefaultDirs(self): return [r'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures',] def setWallPaperFromBmp(self, pathToBmp): """ Given a path to a bmp, set it as the wallpaper """ # Set it and make sure windows remembers the wallpaper we set. result = windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoA( SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, pathToBmp, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE | SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE) if not result: raise Exception("Unable to set wallpaper.") def autoCrop(self, im, bgcolor = (0, 0, 0)): if im.mode != "RGB": im = im.convert("RGB") im2 = ImageOps.autocontrast(im, 5) bg ="RGB", im.size, bgcolor) diff = ImageChops.difference(im2, bg) bbox = diff.getbbox() if bbox: return im.crop(bbox) return im # no contents def maxAspectWallPaper_fill(self, image, width, height): # Blow up the image making sure that the smallest image aspect # fills the monitor. rsFilter = Image.BICUBIC scale = 2.0 imWidth, imHeight = image.size hScale = float(height) / float(imHeight) wScale = float(width) / float(imWidth) scale = max(hScale, wScale) if scale < 1: rsFilter = Image.ANTIALIAS newSize = (int(imWidth * scale), int(imHeight * scale)) newImage = image.resize(newSize, rsFilter) if scale > 2: newImage = newImage.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) imWidth, imHeight = newSize x = int((imWidth - width) / 2.0) y = int((imHeight - height) / 2.0) bbox = (x, 0, width + x, height + y) return newImage.crop(bbox) def maxAspectWallPaper(self, image, width, height): # Blow the image up as much as possible without exceeding the monitor # bounds. rsFilter = Image.BICUBIC scale = 2.0 imWidth, imHeight = image.size hScale = float(height) / float(imHeight) wScale = float(width) / float(imWidth) if self.Fill: scale = max(hScale, wScale) else: scale = min(hScale, wScale) if scale < 1: rsFilter = Image.ANTIALIAS newSize = (int(imWidth * scale), int(imHeight * scale)) newImage = image.resize(newSize, rsFilter) if self.Fill: imWidth, imHeight = newSize x = int((imWidth - width) / 2.0) y = int((imHeight - height) / 2.0) bbox = (x, 0, width + x, height + y) newImage = newImage.crop(bbox) return newImage def preRotateImage(self,image): # Rotate 90 degrees. im = image.rotate(-90, resample = True, expand = True) return im def createWallPaperFromFile(self, pathToImage, monitor): # Given a path to an image, convert it to bmp format and set it as # the wallpaper bmpImage = if self.PreRotate: if bmpImage.size[0] < bmpImage.size[1]: bmpImage = self.preRotateImage(bmpImage) if self.Crop: bmpImage = self.autoCrop(bmpImage, (0,0,0)) bmpImage = self.autoCrop(bmpImage, (255,255,255)) bmpImage = self.maxAspectWallPaper(bmpImage, *monitor.size) bmpSize = bmpImage.size xOffset = int((monitor.size[0] - bmpImage.size[0]) / 2) yOffset = int((monitor.size[1] - bmpImage.size[1]) / 2) if bmpImage.size != monitor.size: img1 ="RGB", monitor.size, (0, 0, 0)) img1.paste(bmpImage, (xOffset, yOffset)) if self.Blending: img2 ="RGB", monitor.size, self.bgColour) return Image.blend(img2, img1, self.BlendRatio) return img1 def setWallpaperStyleSingle(self): # 0x80000001 == HKEY_CURRENT_USER k = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\Desktop",0,win32con.KEY_SET_VALUE) win32api.RegSetValueEx(k, "WallpaperStyle", 0, win32con.REG_SZ, "0") win32api.RegSetValueEx(k, "TileWallpaper", 0, win32con.REG_SZ, "0") def setWallpaperStyleMulti(self): # To set a multi-monitor wallpaper, we need to tile it... # 0x80000001 == HKEY_CURRENT_USER k = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Control Panel\\Desktop",0,win32con.KEY_SET_VALUE) win32api.RegSetValueEx(k, "WallpaperStyle", 0, win32con.REG_SZ, "0") win32api.RegSetValueEx(k, "TileWallpaper", 0, win32con.REG_SZ, "1") def setWallpaperStyle(self): if len(self.monitors) > 1: self.setWallpaperStyleMulti() else: self.setWallpaperStyleSingle() def setWallpaper(self): self.setWallpaperStyle() # Save the new wallpaper in our current directory. newPath = os.getcwd() newPath = os.path.join(newPath, 'pywallpaper.bmp'), "BMP") self.setWallPaperFromBmp(newPath) def setWallpaperFromFile(self, pathToImage): for monitor in self.monitors: img = self.createWallPaperFromFile(filename, monitor) monitor.addWallpaper(self.bgImage, img) self.setWallpaper() def setWallPaperFromFileList(self, pathToDir, monitor): """ Given a directory choose an image from it and set it as a wallpaper """ # Image directories often contain Thumbs.db or other non-image # files or directories, try a few times to set a wallpaper, and then just give up. tries = 0 done = False filenames = [] files = os.listdir(pathToDir) try: # Priorwalls.txt is used so that we don't repeat an image # until every other image in that directory has been seen # The file is rewritten when necessary. prevList = open('priorWalls.txt', 'rb') filenames = [l.strip() for l in prevList.readlines()] prevList.close() except: pass files = [os.path.join(pathToDir, f) for f in files if not f.endswith('.db')] availChoices = [f for f in files if not f in filenames and not f.endswith('.db')] if not availChoices: # This entire directory has been "done" remove them # from the previously seen wallpapers and rewrite # the cache file without any of these entries. filenames = [f for f in filenames if not f in files] availChoices = files p = open('priorWalls.txt', 'wb') for f in filenames: p.write("%s\n"%(f)) p.close() files = availChoices while (not done) and tries < 3: # Thumbs.db and other stuff can live in the same Folder # So try three times to set a wallpaper before giving up. try: image = random.choice(files) filename = image img = self.createWallPaperFromFile(filename, monitor) monitor.addWallpaper(self.bgImage, img) prevList = open('priorWalls.txt', 'ab') prevList.write("%s\n"%(filename)) done = True except: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() print >> sys.stderr, filename, "failed" tries += 1 return done def getMonitorDirs(self, monIndex): section = 'monitor_%d'%(monIndex) # Check for [monitor_0] if self.config.has_section(section): # check for its own paths section if self.config.has_option(section, 'paths'): dirs = self.config.get(section, 'paths').split('\n') else: dirs = self.dirs return dirs def setWallPaperFromDirList(self): """ Given a list of directories choose a directory """ for monNum, monitor in enumerate(self.monitors): imageDir = random.choice(self.getMonitorDirs(monNum)) status = self.setWallPaperFromFileList(imageDir, monitor) self.setWallpaper() def getImageDirectories(self): # Set global image directories. dirs = [] try: dirs = self.config.get('directories', 'paths').split('\n') except: pass if not dirs: dirs = self.getDefaultDirs() return dirs def setWallPaperFromConfigDirs(self): self.setWallPaperFromDirList() def getConfigFileOptions(self, options): configFile = 'pywallpaper.conf' if options.configFile: configFile = options.configFile dirs = options.directories self.config = SafeConfigParser() self.config.readfp(open(configFile)) if self.config.has_section('global'): self.Blending = self.config.getboolean('global', 'Blending') self.BlendRatio = self.config.getfloat('global', 'BlendRatio') self.Crop = self.config.getboolean('global', 'Crop') self.Fill = self.config.getboolean('global', 'Fill') self.Gradient = self.config.getboolean('global', 'Gradient') self.PreRotate = self.config.getboolean('global', 'PreRotate') def getCommandLineOptions(self): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-t", "--time", dest="change_time", help = "Change wallpaper time in minutes (0 = change once and exit [default])", default = 0, type = "int") parser.add_option("-i", "--image", dest="singleImage", default = None, help = "Set wallpaper to this image and exit (overrides -d)") parser.add_option("-d", "--directory", dest="directories", default = [], action="append", type="string", help = "Add an image directory") parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="configFile", default = None, help = "path to alternate config file (default <working dir>/pywallpaper.conf)") parser.add_option("-w", "--workingdir", dest="cwd", default=".", help = "Working Directory (default .)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return (options, args) def go(self): options, args = self.getCommandLineOptions() self.getConfigFileOptions(options) self.dirs = self.getImageDirectories() if options.cwd and options.cwd != '.': os.cwd(cwd) if options.singleImage: self.setWallPaper(options.singleImage) elif not options.change_time: self.setWallPaperFromConfigDirs() else: sleepTime = options.change_time * 60.0 while True: self.setWallPaperFromDirList() time.sleep(sleepTime) if __name__ == '__main__': d = Desktop() d.go()
1 comment:
If you still follow along or come here from various google searches or github gists, there's a much more complete version now on github - with exes
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