As this requires a file object, it's only available for use from trusted code, so that means inside a Product or an External method.
The good news is, that it's fairly easy to write an External method that does something useful like serve contents from a directory.
Here's an example external method that serves files from '/shared/images'
It uses the sendfile wrapper module from here.
import os
directory = '/shared/images'
def Image(self, filename):
newPath = os.path.join(directory, filename)
if not os.access(newPath, os.F_OK|os.R_OK):
return ''
f = open(newPath, 'rb')
self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.sendfile(f, content_type='image/jpeg', other_headers = {'Content-Disposition', 'inline;filename=%s'%(filename))
return ''
It gives you a speed up of 2-3 times serving content out of Zope from the filesystem.
I also have a patch for ExternalFile to let this use the sendfile patch.
You can get the code and the patch from
very interesting
i am not able to use it though...
i created the external method, and a page template where i may call it from a python script.
The result is... nothing.
Would you please provide a step-by-step guide?
If you don't have the sendfile patch installed, you can replace the self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.sendfile() call, with;
Also, you should navigate directly to your external method, to cause the download, not call it from a template.
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